Accounting Standard (AS) 9
(issued 1985)
Revenue Recognition
INTRODUCTION Paragraphs 1-4
Definitions 4
Sale of Goods 6
Rendering of Services 7
The Use by Others of Enterprise Resources Yielding Interest,
Royalties and Dividends 8
Effect of Uncertainties on Revenue Recognition 9
Disclosure 14
The following Accounting Standards Interpretation (ASI) relates to AS 9:
Revised ASI 14 - Disclosure of Revenue from Sales Transactions
The above Interpretation is published elsewhere in this Compendium.
122 AS 9 (issued 1985) Revenue Recognition 129
Accounting Standard (AS) 9
(issued 1985)
Revenue Recognition
(This Accounting Standard includes paragraphs 10-14 set in bold italic
type and paragraphs 1-9 set in plain type, which have equal authority.
Paragraphs in bold italic type indicate the main principles. This
Accounting Standard should be read in the context of the Preface to the
Statements of Accounting Standards1.)
The following is the text of the Accounting Standard (AS) 9 issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on ‘Revenue Recognition’.2
In the initial years, this accounting standard will be recommendatory in
character. During this period, this standard is recommended for use by
companies listed on a recognised stock exchange and other large commercial,
industrial and business enterprises in the public and private sectors.3
1. This Statement deals with the bases for recognition of revenue in the
statement of profit and loss of an enterprise. The Statement is concerned
with the recognition of revenue arising in the course of the ordinary activities
of the enterprise from
— the sale of goods,4
1Attention is specifically drawn to paragraph 4.3 of the Preface, according to which
Accounting Standards are intended to apply only to items which are material.
2 It is reiterated that this Accounting Standard (as is the case of other accounting
standards) assumes that the three fundamental accounting assumptions i.e., going
concern, consistency and accrual have been followed in the preparation and
presentation of financial statements.
3 It may be noted that this Accounting Standard is now mandatory. Reference may
be made to the section titled ‘Announcements of the Council regarding status of
various documents issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’
appearing at the beginning of this Compendium for a detailed discussion on the
implications of the mandatory status of an accounting standard.
4 See also revised Accounting Standards Interpretation (ASI) 14, which is published
elsewhere in this Compendium.
130 AS 9 (issued 1985)
— the rendering of services, and
— the use by others of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties
and dividends.
2. This Statement does not deal with the following aspects of revenue
recognition to which special considerations apply:
(i) Revenue arising from construction contracts;5
(ii) Revenue arising from hire-purchase, lease agreements;
(iii) Revenue arising from government grants and other similar
(iv) Revenue of insurance companies arising frominsurance contracts.
3. Examples of items not included within the definition of “revenue” for
the purpose of this Statement are:
(i) Realised gains resulting fromthe disposal of, and unrealised gains
resulting fromthe holding of, non-current assets e.g. appreciation
in the value of fixed assets;
(ii) Unrealised holding gains resulting from the change in value of
current assets, and the natural increases in herds and agricultural
and forest products;
(iii) Realised or unrealised gains resulting from changes in foreign
exchange rates and adjustments arising on the translation of foreign
currency financial statements;
(iv) Realised gains resulting from the discharge of an obligation at
less than its carrying amount;
(v) Unrealised gains resulting from the restatement of the carrying
amount of an obligation.
5 Refer to AS 7 on ‘Accounting for Construction Contracts’. AS 7 (issued 1983) has
been revised in 2002 and titled as ‘Construction Contracts’. The revised AS 7 is
published elsewhere in this Compendium.
Revenue Recognition 131
4. The following terms are used in this Statement with the meanings
4.1 Revenue is the gross inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration
arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise6 from the sale
of goods, from the rendering of services, and from the use by others
of enterprise resources yielding interest, royalties and dividends.
Revenue is measured by the charges made to customers or clients for
goods supplied and services rendered to them and by the charges and
rewards arising from the use of resources by them. In an agency
relationship, the revenue is the amount of commission and not the gross
inflow of cash, receivables or other consideration.
4.2 Completed service contract method is a method of accounting which
recognises revenue in the statement of profit and loss onlywhen the rendering
of services under a contract is completed or substantially completed.
4.3 Proportionate completion method is a method of accounting which
recognises revenue in the statement of profit and loss proportionately with
the degree of completion of services under a contract.
5. Revenue recognition is mainly concerned with the timing of recognition
of revenue in the statement of profit and loss of an enterprise. The amount
of revenue arising on a transaction is usually determined by agreement
between the parties involved in the transaction. When uncertainties exist
regarding the determination of the amount, or its associated costs,
these uncertainties may influence the timing of revenue recognition.
6 The Institute has issued an Announcement in 2005 titled ‘Treatment of Interdivisional
Transfers’ (published in ‘The Chartered Accountant’ May 2005, pp. 1531).
As per the Announcement, the recognition of inter-divisional transfers as sales is
an inappropriate accounting treatment and is inconsistent with Accounting Standard
9. [For full text of the Announcement reference may be made to the section titled
‘Announcements of the Council regarding status of various documents issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’ appearing at the beginning of this
132 AS 9 (issued 1985)
6. Sale of Goods
6.1 A key criterion for determining when to recognise revenue from a
transaction involving the sale of goods is that the seller has transferred the
property in the goods to the buyer for a consideration. The transfer of property
in goods, in most cases, results in or coincides with the transfer of significant
risks and rewards of ownership to the buyer.However, theremay be situations
where transfer of property in goods does not coincide with the transfer of
significant risks and rewards of ownership. Revenue in such situations is
recognised at the time of transfer of significant risks and rewards of
ownership to the buyer. Such cases may arise where delivery has been
delayed through the fault of either the buyer or the seller and the goods are
at the risk of the party at fault as regards any loss which might not have
occurred but for such fault. Further, sometimes the parties may agree that
the risk will pass at a time different from the time when ownership passes.
6.2 At certain stages in specific industries, such as when agricultural crops
have been harvested or mineral ores have been extracted, performance may
be substantially complete prior to the execution of the transaction generating
revenue. In such cases when sale is assured under a forward contract or a
government guarantee or where market exists and there is a negligible risk
of failure to sell, the goods involved are often valued at net realisable value.
Such amounts,while not revenue as defined in this Statement, are sometimes
recognised in the statement of profit and loss and appropriately described.
7. Rendering of Services
7.1 Revenue from service transactions is usually recognised as the service
is performed, either by the proportionate completion method or by the
completed service contract method.
(i) Proportionate completion method—Performance consists of
the execution of more than one act. Revenue is recognised
proportionately by reference to the performance of each act. The
revenue recognised under this method would be determined on
the basis of contract value, associated costs, number of acts or
other suitable basis. For practical purposes, when services are
provided by an indeterminate number of acts over a specific period
of time, revenue is recognised on a straight line basis over the
specific period unless there is evidence that some other method
better represents the pattern of performance.
Revenue Recognition 133
(ii) Completed service contract method—Performance consists of
the execution of a single act.Alternatively, services are performed
in more than a single act, and the services yet to be performed
are so significant in relation to the transaction taken as a whole
that performance cannot be deemed to have been completed until
the execution of those acts. The completed service contract
method is relevant to these patterns of performance and
accordingly revenue is recognised when the sole or final act takes
place and the service becomes chargeable.
8. The Use by Others of Enterprise Resources Yielding
Interest, Royalties and Dividends
8.1 The use by others of such enterprise resources gives rise to:
(i) interest—charges for the use of cash resources or amounts due
to the enterprise;
(ii) royalties—charges for the use of such assets as know-how,
patents, trade marks and copyrights;
(iii) dividends—rewards from the holding of investments in shares.
8.2 Interest accrues, in most circumstances, on the time basis determined
by the amount outstanding and the rate applicable.Usually, discountor premium
on debt securities held is treated as though it were accruing over the period
to maturity.
8.3 Royalties accrue in accordancewith the terms of the relevant agreement
and are usually recognised on that basis unless, having regard to the substance
of the transactions, it is more appropriate to recognise revenue on some
other systematic and rational basis.
8.4 Dividends frominvestments in shares are not recognised in the statement
of profit and loss until a right to receive payment is established.
8.5 When interest, royalties and dividends from foreign countries require
exchange permission and uncertainty in remittance is anticipated, revenue
recognition may need to be postponed.
134 AS 9 (issued 1985)
9. Effect of Uncertainties on Revenue Recognition
9.1 Recognition of revenue requires that revenue is measurable and that at
the time of sale or the rendering of the service it would not be unreasonable
to expect ultimate collection.
9.2 Where the ability to assess the ultimate collection with reasonable
certainty is lacking at the time of raising any claim, e.g., for escalation of
price, export incentives, interest etc., revenue recognition is postponed to the
extent of uncertainty involved. In such cases, it may be appropriate to
recognise revenue only when it is reasonably certain that the ultimate
collectionwill bemade.Where there is no uncertainty as to ultimate collection,
revenue is recognised at the time of sale or rendering of service even though
payments are made by instalments.
9.3 When the uncertainty relating to collectability arises subsequent to the
time of sale or the rendering of the service, it is more appropriate to make a
separate provision to reflect the uncertainty rather than to adjust the amount
of revenue originally recorded.
9.4 An essential criterion for the recognition of revenue is that the
consideration receivable for the sale of goods, the rendering of services or
from the use by others of enterprise resources is reasonably determinable.
When such consideration is not determinable within reasonable limits, the
recognition of revenue is postponed.
9.5 When recognition of revenue is postponed due to the effect of
uncertainties, it is considered as revenue of the period in which it is properly
Accounting Standard
10. Revenue from sales or service transactions should be recognised
when the requirements as to performance set out in paragraphs 11 and
12 are satisfied, provided that at the time of performance it is not
unreasonable to expect ultimate collection. If at the time of raising of
any claim it is unreasonable to expect ultimate collection, revenue
recognition should be postponed.
11. In a transaction involving the sale of goods, performance should
be regarded as being achieved when the following conditions have been
Revenue Recognition 135
(i) the seller of goods has transferred to the buyer the property
in the goods for a price or all significant risks and rewards of
ownership have been transferred to the buyer and the seller
retains no effective control of the goods transferred to a degree
usually associated with ownership; and
(ii) no significant uncertainty exists regarding the amount of the
consideration that will be derived from the sale of the goods.
12. In a transaction involving the rendering of services, performance
should be measured either under the completed service contract method
or under the proportionate completion method, whichever relates the
revenue to the work accomplished. Such performance should be
regarded as being achieved when no significant uncertainty
exists regarding the amount of the consideration that will be
derived from rendering the service.
13. Revenue arising from the use by others of enterprise resources
yielding interest, royalties and dividends should only be recognised when
no significant uncertainty as to measurability or collectability exists.
These revenues are recognised on the following bases:
(i) Interest : on a time proportion basis taking into
account the amount outstanding and the
rate applicable.
(ii) Royalties : on an accrual basis in accordance with
the terms of the relevant agreement.
(iii) Dividends from : when the owner’s right to receive payment
investments in is established.
14. In addition to the disclosures required by Accounting Standard 1
on ‘Disclosure of Accounting Policies’ (AS 1), an enterprise should also
disclose the circumstances in which revenue recognition has been
postponed pending the resolution of significant uncertainties.
136 AS 9 (issued 1985)
This appendix is illustrative only and does not form part of the accounting
standard set forth in this Statement. The purpose of the appendix is to illustrate
the application of the Standard to a number of commercial situations in an
endeavour to assist in clarifying application of the Standard.
A. Sale of Goods
1. Delivery is delayed at buyer’s request and buyer takes title and
accepts billing
Revenue should be recognised notwithstanding that physical delivery has not
been completed so long as there is every expectation that delivery will be
made. However, the item must be on hand, identified and ready for delivery
to the buyer at the time the sale is recognised rather than there being simply
an intention to acquire or manufacture the goods in time for delivery.
2. Delivered subject to conditions
(a) installation and inspection i.e. goods are sold subject to installation,
inspection etc.
Revenue should normallynotbe recognised until the customer acceptsdelivery
and installation and inspection are complete. In some cases, however, the
installation process may be so simple in nature that it may be appropriate to
recognise the sale notwithstanding that installation is not yet completed (e.g.
installation of a factory-tested television receiver normally only requires
unpacking and connecting of power and antennae).
(b) on approval
Revenue should not be recognised until the goods have been formallyaccepted
by the buyer or the buyer has done an act adopting the transaction or the
time period for rejection has elapsed or where no time has been fixed, a
reasonable time has elapsed.
(c) guaranteed sales i.e. delivery is made giving the buyer an unlimited
right of return
Recognition of revenue in such circumstances will depend on the substance
Revenue Recognition 137
of the agreement. In the case of retail sales offering a guarantee of “money
back if not completely satisfied” it may be appropriate to recognise the sale
but to make a suitable provision for returns based on previous experience. In
other cases, the substance of the agreement may amount to a sale on
consignment, in which case it should be treated as indicated below.
(d) consignment sales i.e. a delivery is made whereby the recipient
undertakes to sell the goods on behalf of the consignor
Revenue should not be recognised until the goods are sold to a third party.
(e) cash on delivery sales
Revenue should not be recognised until cash is received by the seller or his
3. Sales where the purchaser makes a series of instalment payments
to the seller, and the seller delivers the goods only when the final payment
is received
Revenue from such sales should not be recognised until goods are delivered.
However, when experience indicates that most such sales have been
consummated, revenue may be recognised when a significant deposit is
4. Special order and shipments i.e. where payment (or partial payment)
is received for goods not presently held in stock e.g. the stock is still to
be manufactured or is to be delivered directly to the customer from a
third party
Revenue from such sales should not be recognised until goods are
manufactured, identified and ready for delivery to the buyer by the third
5. Sale/repurchase agreements i.e. where seller concurrently agrees
to repurchase the same goods at a later date
For such transactions that are in substance a financing agreement, the resulting
cash inflowis not revenue as defined and should not be recognised as revenue.
6. Sales to intermediate parties i.e. where goods are sold to distributors,
dealers or others for resale
138 AS 9 (issued 1985)
Revenue from such sales can generally be recognised if significant risks of
ownership have passed; however in some situations the buyermay in substance
be an agent and in such cases the sale should be treated as a consignment sale.
7. Subscriptions for publications
Revenue received or billed should be deferred and recognised either on a
straight line basis over time or, where the items delivered vary in value from
period to period, revenue should be based on the sales value of the item
delivered in relation to the total sales value of all items covered by the
8. Instalment sales
When the consideration is receivable in instalments, revenue attributable to
the sales price exclusive of interest should be recognised at the date of sale.
The interest element should be recognised as revenue, proportionately to the
unpaid balance due to the seller.
9. Trade discounts and volume rebates
Trade discounts and volume rebates received are not encompassed within
the definition of revenue, since they represent a reduction of cost. Trade
discounts and volume rebates given should be deducted in determining revenue.
B. Rendering of Services
1. Installation Fees
In cases where installation fees are other than incidental to the sale of a
product, they should be recognised as revenue only when the equipment is
installed and accepted by the customer.
2. Advertising and insurance agency commissions
Revenue should be recognised when the service is completed. For
advertising agencies, media commissions will normally be recognised
when the related advertisement or commercial appears before the public
and the necessary intimation is received by the agency, as opposed to
production commission, which will be recognised when the project is
completed. Insurance agency commissions should be recognised on the
effective commencement or renewal dates of the related policies.
Revenue Recognition 139
3. Financial service commissions
A financial service may be rendered as a single act or may be provided over
a period of time. Similarly, charges for such services may be made as a
single amount or in stages over the period of the service or the life of the
transaction to which it relates. Such charges may be settled in full when
made or added to a loan or other account and settled in stages. The recognition
of such revenue should therefore have regard to:
(a) whether the service has been provided “once and for all” or is on
a “continuing” basis;
(b) the incidence of the costs relating to the service;
(c) when the payment for the service will be received. In general,
commissions charged for arranging or granting loan or other
facilities should be recognisedwhen a bindingobligation has been
entered into.Commitment, facility or loanmanagement feeswhich
relate to continuing obligations or services should normally be
recognised over the life of the loan or facility having regard to the
amount of the obligation outstanding, the nature of the services
provided and the timing of the costs relating thereto.
4. Admission fees
Revenue fromartistic performances, banquets and other special events should
be recognised when the event takes place. When a subscription to a number
of events is sold, the fee should be allocated to each event on a systematic
and rational basis.
5. Tuition fees
Revenue should be recognised over the period of instruction.
6. Entrance and membership fees
Revenue recognition from these sources will depend on the nature of the
services being provided. Entrance fee received is generally capitalised. If
the membership fee permits only membership and all other services or
products are paid for separately, or if there is a separate annual
subscription, the fee should be recognised when received. If the
membership fee entitles the
140 AS 9 (issued 1985)
member to services or publications to be provided during the year, it should
be recognised on a systematic and rational basis having regard to the timing
and nature of all services provided.
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