NOTE 2 :
Since these Application Forms are to be
processed in a computerised system,
due care should be taken by the candi-
dates to fill up their Application Form cor-
rectly. Necessary instructions for filling
up the Form may be seen at Appendix II
(B). No relevant columns of the applica-
tion should be left blank. Incomplete or
defective applications shall be sum-
marily rejected. No representation or
correspondence regarding such rejec-
tion shall be entertained under any cir-
Candidates are not required to submit
alongwith their applications any certifi-
cate in support of their claims regarding
Age, Educational Qualifications, Sched-
uled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other
Backward Classes and Physically dis-
abled etc. which will be verified at the
time of the Main examination only. The
candidates applying for the examination
should ensure that they fulfil all the eligi-
bility conditions for admission to the Ex-
amination. Their admission at all the
stages of examination for which they are
admitted by the Commission viz. Prelimi-
nary Examination, Main (Written) Exami-
nation and Interview Test will be purely
provisional, subject to their satisfying the
prescribed eligibility conditions. If on veri-
fication at any time before or after the
Preliminary Examination, Main (written)
Examination and Interview Test, it is
found that they do not fulfil any of the
eligibility conditions, their candidature
for the examination will be cancelled by
the Commission.
If any of their claims is found to be incor-
rect, they may render themselves liable
to disciplinary action by the Commission
in terms of Rule 14 of the Rules for the
Civil Services Examination, 2011 repro-
duced below :
A candidate who is or has been declared
by the Commission to be guilty of :
(i) Obtaining support for his/her candida-
ture by the following means, namely :–
(a) offering illegal gratification to, or
(b) applying pressure on, or
(c) blackmailing, or threatening to
blackmail any person connected with the
conduct of the examination, or
(ii) impersonating, or
(iii) procuring impersonation by any per-
son, or
(iv) submitting fabricated documents or
documents which have been tampered
with, or
(v) making statements which are incor-
rect or false or suppressing material infor-
mation, or
(vi) resorting to the following means in con-
nection with his/her candidature for the ex-
amination, namely
(a) obtaining copy of question paper
through improper means,
(b) finding out the particulars of the
persons connected with secret
work relating to the examination.
(c) influencing the examiners, or
(vii) using unfair means during the exami-
nation, or
(viii)writing obscene matter or drawing
obscene sketches in the scripts, or
(ix) misbehaving in the examination hall
including tearing of the scripts, provoking
fellow examinees to boycott examination,
creating a disorderly scene and the like, or
(x) harassing or doing bodily harm to the
staff employed by the Commission for the
conduct of their examinations, or
(xi) being in possession of or using mo-
bile phone, pager or any electronic equip-
ment or device or any other equipment
capable of being used as a communica-
tion device during the examination; or
(xii) violating any of the instructions issued
to candidates along with their Admission
Certificates permitting them to take the ex-
amination, or
(xiii)attempting to commit or as the case
may be abetting the Commission of all or
any of the acts specified in the foregoing
may in addition to rendering himself/her-
self liable to criminal prosecution, be liable.
(a) to be disqualified by the Commis-
sion from the examination for
which he/she is a candidate and/
(b) to be debarred either permanently
or for a specified period
(i) by the Commission from any
examination or selection held
by them;
(ii) by the Central Government
from any employment under
them; and
(c) if he/she is already in service un-
der Government to disciplinary ac-
tion under the appropriate Rules.
Provided that no penalty under this Rules
shall be imposed except after
(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of
making such representation, in writing as
he/she may wish to make in that behalf; and
(ii) taking the representation, if any, sub-
mitted by the candidate within the period
allowed to him/her into consideration.
(i) ONLINE :
The Online Applications can be filled
up to 21st March 2011 till 11.59 pm after
which the link will be disabled.
(ii) OFFLINE :
(a) All Offline Applications must reach the
"Controller of Examinations, Union Public
Service Commission, Dholpur House,
Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069" ei-
ther by hand or by Post/Speed Post or by
Courier, on or before the 21st March, 2011.
(b) In respect of applications received only
by post (by post/speed post) from the can-
didates residing in Assam, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kash-
mir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-
Division of Chamba District of Himachal
Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
or Lakshadweep or abroad, the last date
for receipt of applications is 28th March,
2011 till 5 P.M. only. The benefit of ex-
tended time will be available only in re-
spect of applications received by Post/
Speed Post from the abovementioned ar-
eas/regions. In the case of applications
received by hand or through courier ser-
vice, benefit of extended time will not be
available regardless of the place of resi-
dence of the applicant.
Candidates who are claiming the benefit of
extended time should clearly indicate in col-
umn 13 of the Application Form, the area
code of the particular area or region (e.g.
Assam, Meghalaya, J&K etc.) where they are
residing. In case they fail to do so, the benefit
of extended time will not be allowed to them.
Candidates should clearly note that the
Commission will in no case be responsible
for non-receipt of their application or any
delay in receipt thereof on any account
whatsoever. No application received after
the prescribed last date will be entertained
under any circumstances and all the late
applications will be summarily rejected.
They should therefore, ensure that their
applications reach the Commission's Of-
fice on or before the prescribed last date.
Candidates can also deliver their applica-
tions personally at the Commission's
counter against proper acknowledgement.
The Commission will not be responsible for
the applications delivered to any other func-
tionary of the Commission.
The candidates should note that
applications will be received by hand only
one at a time at the designated
counter(s) and not in bulk, till 5 PM only.
Applications received through Couriers or
Courier Services of any type shall be
treated as having been received "By hand"
at the Commission's Counter.
Immediately on receipt of an application
from a candidate, the Acknowledgement
Card submitted by him/her alongwith the
Application Form will be despatched to him/
her by the Commission’s Office duly
stamped in token of receipt of his/her Ap-
plication. If a candidate does not receive
the Acknowledgement Card within 30 days,
he/she should at once contact the Com-
mission by quoting his/her Application
Form No. and name & year of examina-
tion. Candidates delivering the Application
Form in person at the Commission’s
Counter will be issued Acknowledgement
Card at the Counter itself. The mere fact
that a candidate’s application has been ac-
knowledged by the Commission does not
mean that his/her candidature for the ex-
amination has been accepted by the Com-
mission. Candidates will be informed at the
earliest possible about their admission to
the examination or rejection of their appli-
The Commission will not enter into any cor-
respondence with the candidates about their
candidature except in the following cases:
(i) Every candidate for this examination will
be informed at the earliest possible date of
the result of his/her application. Admission
Certificates, indicating the Roll Nos. will be
issued to the candidates who are admitted
to the examination. The Admission Certifi-
cate will bear the photograph of the candi-
date. If a candidate does not receive his Ad-
mission Certificate or any other communica-
tion regarding his/her candidature for the
examination three weeks before the com-
mencement of the examination, he/she
should at once contact the Commission. On
receipt of such a communication, Admission
Certificate or a duplicate copy thereto will be
issued to the admitted candidate. Informa-
tion in this regard can also be obtained from
the Facilitation Counter located in the
Commission’s Office either in person or over
phone Nos. 011-23381125/011-23385271/
011-23098543. In case no communication
is received in the Commission's Office
from the candidate regarding non-receipt
of his/her Admission Certificate atleast 3
weeks before the examination, he/she
himself/herself will be solely responsible
for non-receipt of his/her Admission Cer-
tificate. It may be noted that the Admission
Certificate will be issued at the address as
photocopied from the Application Form filled
in by the candidate. The candidate should,
therefore, ensure that address given by him/
her in the Application Form is correct and
complete with pin code.
No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to
take the examination unless he/she holds
a certificate of admission for the exami-
nation. On the receipt of Admission Cer-
tificate, check it carefully and bring dis-
crepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of
UPSC immediately.
The candidates should note that their ad-
mission to the examination will be purely
provisional based on the information given
by them in the Application Form. This will
be subject to verification of all the eligibility
conditions by the UPSC.
The mere fact that a certificate of admis-
sion to the Examination has been issued
to a candidate, will not imply that his/her
candidature has been finally cleared by
the Commission or that entries made by
the candidate in his/her application for the
Preliminary examination have been ac-
cepted by the Commission as true and
correct. Candidates may note that the
Commission takes up the verification of
eligibility conditions of a candidate, with
reference to original documents, only af-
ter the candidate has qualified for Civil
Services (Main) Examination. Unless can-
didature is formally confirmed by the Com-
mission, it continues to be provisional.
The decision of the Commission as to the
eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for
admission to the Examination shall be final.
Candidates should note that the name in the
Admission Certificate in some cases, may
be abbreviated due to technical reasons.
(ii) In the event of a candidate receiving
more than one Admission Certificate from
the Commission, he/she should use only
one of these Admission Certificates for ap-
pearing in the examination and return the
other(s) to the Commission's Office.
(iii) A candidate must see that communica-
tions sent to him/her at the address stated
in his/her application are redirected, if nec-
essary. Change in address should be com-
municated to the Commission at the earli-
est opportunity. Although the Commission
make every effort to take account of such
changes, they cannot accept any respon-
sibility in the matter.
(iv) Candidates are informed that as the
Preliminary Examination is only a screening
test, no marks sheets will be supplied to suc-
cessful or unsuccessful to be Confirmed can-
didates and no correspondence will be en-
tertained by the Commission, in this regard.
(v) If a candidate receives an Admission
Certificate in respect of some other candi-
date on account of handling error, the same
should be immediately returned to the
Commission with a request to issue the
correct Admission Certificate. Candidates
may note that they will not be allowed to
take the examination on the strength of an
Admission Certificate issued in respect of
another candidate.
9. The eligibility for availing reservation
against the vacancies reserved for the
physically disabled persons shall be the
same as prescribed in "The Persons with
Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection
of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995."
Provided further that the physically dis-
abled candidates shall also be required to
meet special eligibility criteria in terms of
physical requirements/functional classifi-
cation (abilities/disabilities) consistent with
requirements of the identified Service/Post
as may be prescribed by its Cadre Con-
trolling Authority.
The physical requirement and functional
classification can for example be one or
more of the following :
Code Physical Requirements
MF 1. Work performed by Manipula-
tion by Fingers
PP 2. Work Performed by Pulling &
Employment News 19 - 25 February 2011
3. Work Performed by Lifting
4. Work Performed by Kneeling
and Crouching
5. Work Performed by Bending
6. Work Performed by Sitting (on
bench or chair)
7. Work Performed by Standing
8. Work Performed by Walking
9. Work Performed by Seeing
10. Work Performed by Hearing/
11. Work Performed by Reading
and Writing
12. Communication
amination by the candidates who are de-
clared qualified for admission to the Main
Examination will not be counted for deter-
mining their final order of merit. The num-
ber of candidates to be admitted to the Main
Examination will be about twelve to thirteen
times the total approximate number of va-
cancies to be filled in the year in the various
Services and Posts. Only those candidates
who are declared by the Commission to
have qualified in the Preliminary Examina-
tion in the year will be eligible for admission
to the Main Examination of that year pro-
vided they are otherwise eligible for admis-
sion to the Main Examination.
Interview Test will carry 300 marks.
NOTE (i) The papers on Indian Languages
and English will be of Matriculation or
equivalent standard and will be of qualify-
ing nature; the marks obtained in these
papers will not be counted for ranking.
NOTE (ii) Evaluation of the papers, namely,
'Essay, 'General Studies' and Optional Sub-
jects of all candidates would be done si-
multaneously along with evaluation of their
qualifying papers on 'Indian languages' and
English' but the papers on 'Essay', Gen-
eral Studies' and 'Optional Subjects' of only
such candidates will be taken cognizance
of as attain such minimum standard as
Literature of one of the following lan-
guages :
Arabic, Assamese, Bodo, Bengali, Chi-
nese, Dogri, English, French, German,
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri,
Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri,
Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Pali, Persian,
Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi,
Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
NOTE (i) Candidates will not be allowed to
offer the following combinations of subjects:–
(a) Political Science & International Re-
lations and Public Administration;
(b) Commerce & Accountancy and Man-
3. The Main Examination will consist of a
may be fixed by the Commission at their
1. Both legs affected but not arms
2. Both arms affected
a. Impaired Reach
b. Weakness of Grip.
c. ataxic
written examination and an Interview Test.
The written examination will consist of 9
papers of conventional essay type in the
subjects set out in sub-section (B) of Sec-
tion-II. Also see Note (ii) under para I of
discretion for the qualifying papers on 'In-
dian language' and 'English' and, there-
fore, the marks in 'Essay' 'General studies
and Optional subjects' will not be disclosed
to those candidates who fail to obtain such
(c) Anthropology and Sociology;
(d) Mathematics and Statistics;
(e) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Science.
(f) Management and Public Administration;
BLA 3. Both legs and both arms af-
OL 4. One leg affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach
b. weakness of grip
c. ataxic
OA 5. One arm affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach
b. weakness of grip
c. ataxic
OAL 6. One arm and one leg affected
MW 7. Muscular weakness.
B 8. Blind
LV 9. Low vision
H 10. Hearing
Note : The above list is subject to revision.
10. A candidate will be eligible to get the
benefit of community reservation only in
case the particular caste to which the can-
didates belongs is included in the list of
reserved communities issued by the Cen-
tral Government. If a candidate indicates
in his/her application form for Civil Services
(Preliminary) Examination that he/she be-
longs to General category but subse-
quently writes to the Commission to change
Section-II (B).
4. Candidates who obtain such minimum
qualifying marks in the written part of the
Main Examination as may be fixed by the
Commission at their discretion, shall be
summoned by them for an interview/for a
Personality Test vide sub-section ‘C’ of
Section-II. However, the papers on Indian
Languages and English will be of qualify-
ing nature. Also see Note (ii) under para 1
of Section-II (B). The marks obtained in
these papers will not be counted for rank-
ing. The number of candidates to be sum-
moned for interview will be about twice the
number of vacancies to be filled. The inter-
view will carry 300 marks (with no mini-
mum qualifying marks).
Marks thus obtained by the candidates in
the Main Examination (written part as well
as interview) would determine their final
ranking. Candidates will be allotted to the
various Services keeping in view their
ranks in the examination and the prefer-
ences expressed by them for the various
Services and Posts.
Scheme and subjects for the Preliminary
minimum qualifying standard in 'Indian lan-
guage and 'English'.
NOTE (iii) The paper-I on Indian Lan-
guages will not, however, be compulsory
for candidates hailing from the North-East-
ern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland and
also for candidates hailing from the State
of Sikkim.
NOTE (iv) For the Language papers, the
script to be used by the candidates will be
as under :–
Language Script
Assamese Assamese
Bengali Bengali
Bodo Devanagari
Dogri Devanagari
Gujarati Gujarati
Hindi Devanagari
Kannada Kannada
Kashmiri Persian
Konkani Devanagari
Maithili Devanagari
Malayalam Malayalam
Manipuri Bengali
Marathi Devanagari
(g) Of the Engineering subjects, viz., Civil
Engineering, Electrical Engineering
and Mechanical Engineering–not
more than one subject.
(h) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sci-
ence and Medical Science.
(ii) The question papers for the examina-
tion will be of conventional (essay) type.
(iii) Each paper will be of three hours dura-
tion. Blind candidates will, however, be al-
lowed an extra time of thirty minutes at each
(iv) Candidates will have the option to an-
swer all the question papers, except the
language papers viz. Papers I and II above
in any one of the languages included in
the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution or
in English.
(v) Candidates exercising the option to
answer papers III to IX in any one of the
languages included in the Eighth Sched-
ule to the Constitution may, if they so de-
sire, give English version within brackets
of only the description of the technical
terms, if any, in addition to the version in
his/her category to a reserved one, such
request shall not be entertained by the
While the above principle will be fol-
lowed in general, there may be a few cases
where there was a little gap (say 2-3
months) between the issuance of a Gov-
ernment Notifications enlisting a particular
community in the list of any of the reserved
communities and the date of submission
and Main Examinations.
A. Preliminary Examination
The Examination shall comprise two
compulsory papers of 200 marks each.
NOTE (i) Both the question papers will be
of the objective type (multiple choice ques-
(ii) The question papers will be set both in
Hindi and English. However, questions
relating to English Language Comprehen-
Devanagari or Olchiki
Devanagari or Arabic
the language opted by them.
Candidates should, however, note that if they
misuse the above rule, a deduction will be
made on this account from the total marks
otherwise accruing to them and in extreme
cases, their script(s) will not be valued for
being in an unauthorised medium.
(vi) The question papers other than lan-
guage papers will be set both in Hindi and
of the application by the candidate. In such
cases the request of change of comunity
from General to Reserved may be consid-
ered by the Commission on merit.
The competitive examination comprises
two successive stages :
(i) Civil Services (Preliminary) Examina-
tions (Objective Type) for the selection of
candidates for Main Examination; and
(ii) Civil Services (Main) Examination (Writ-
ten and Interview) for the selection of can-
didates for the various services and posts.
2. The Preliminary Examination will consist
of two papers of Objective type (multiple
choice questions) and carry a maximum of
400 marks in the subjects set out in sub-
section (A) of Section-II. This examination
is meant to serve as a screening test only;
the marks obtained in the Preliminary Ex-
sion skills of Class X level will be tested
through passages from English Language
only without providing Hindi translation
thereof in the question paper.
(iii) Details of the syllabi are indicated in
Part A of Section III.
(iv) Each paper will be of two hours dura-
tion. Blind candidates will however, be al-
lowed an extra time of twenty minutes at
each paper.
B. Main Examination
The written examination will consist of
the following papers :
Paper I One of the Indian 300 marks
languages to be
selected by the
candidate from the
Languages included
in the Eighth Schedule
to the Constitution.
Paper II English 300 marks
Paper III Essay 200 marks
Papers IV General Studies 300 marks
and V for each paper
Papers VI Any two 300 marks
VII, VIII subjects to for each
and IX be selected from paper
the list of the
optional subjects set
out in para 2 below.
Each subject will have
two papers.
NOTE : For Santali language, question pa-
per will be printed in Devanagari script;
but candidates will be free to answer ei-
ther in Devanagari script or in Olchiki.
2. List of optional subjects for Main
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science and International
Public Administration
(vii) The details of the syllabi are set out in
Part B of Section-III.
"General Instructions (Preliminary as
well as Main Examination)" :
(i) Candidates must write the papers in
their own hand. In no circumstances, will
they be allowed the help of a scribe to write
the answers for them. However, blind can-
didates will be allowed to write the exami-
nation with the help of a scribe.
(ii) An extra time of twenty minutes per hour
shall be permitted for the candidates with
locomotor disability and cerebral palsy
where dominant (writing) extremity is af-
fected to the extent of slowing the perfor-
mance of function (minimum of 40% im-
pairment) in the Civil Services (Main) Ex-
amination only. However, no scribe shall
be permitted to such candidates.
NOTE 1 : The eligibility conditions of a
scribe, his/her conduct inside the exami-
nation hall and the manner in which and
extent to which he/she can help the blind
candidate in writing the Civil Services Ex-
amination shall be governed by the instruc-
tions issued by the UPSC in this regard.
Violation of all or any of the said instruc-
tions shall entail the cancellation of the
candidature of the blind candidate in addi-
tion to any other action that the UPSC may
take against the scribe.
Employment News 19 - 25 February 2011
NOTE 2 : For purpose of these rules the
candidate shall be deemed to be a blind
candidate if the percentage of visual im-
pairment is 40% or more. The criteria for
determining the percentage of visual im-
pairment shall be as follows :
All with corrections Perce-
_______________ ntage
Better eye Worse eye
Category 0 6/9-6/18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
Category I 6/18-6/36 6/60 to nil 40%
Category II 6/60-4/60 3/60 to nil 75%
or field of
vision 10-200
Category III 3/60-1/60 F.C. at 1 ft 100%
or field of to nil
vision 100
Category IV FC. at 1 ft F.C. at 1 ft 100%
to nil field of to nil field of
vision 1000 vision 1000
One eyed 6/6 F.C. at 1 ft 30%
person to nil
NOTE 3 : For availing of the concession
admissible to a blind candidate, the candi-
date concerned shall produce a certificate
in the prescribed proforma from a Medical
Board constituted by the Central/State Gov-
ernments alongwith his application for the
Main Examination.
NOTE 4 : (i) The concession admissible to
blind candidates shall not be admissible
to those suffering from Myopia.
(ii) The Commission have discretion to fix
qualifying marks in any or all the subjects
of the examination.
(iii) If a candidate’s handwriting is not eas-
ily legible, a deduction will be made on
this account from the total marks otherwise
accruing to him.
(iv) Marks will not be allotted for mere su-
perficial knowledge.
(v) Credit will be given for orderly, effective
and exact expression combined with due
economy of words in all subjects of the
(vi) In the question papers, wherever re-
quired, SI units will be used.
(vii) Candidates should use only interna-
tional form of Indian numerals (i.e.
1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) while answering question
(viii) Candidates will be allowed the use of
Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Cal-
culators at the conventional (Essay) type
examination of UPSC. Programmable type
calculators will however not be allowed
and the use of such calculators shall tanta-
mount to resorting to unfair means by the
candidates. Loaning or interchanging of
calculators in the Examination Hall is not
It is also important to note that candidates
are not permitted to use calculators for an-
swering objective type papers (Test Book-
lets). They should not therefore, bring the
same inside the Examination Hall.
C. Interview test
The candidate will be interviewed by a Board
who will have before them a record of his/her
career. He/she will be asked questions on
matters of general interest. The object of the
interview is to assess the personal suitability
of the candidate for a career in public service
by a Board of competent and unbiased ob-
servers. The test is intended to judge the
mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms
this is really an assessment of not only his
intellectual qualities but also social traits and
his interest in current affairs. Some of the
qualities to be judged are mental alertness,
critical powers of assimilation, clear and logi-
cal exposition, balance of judgement, vari-
ety and depth of interest, ability for social co-
hesion and leadership, intellectual and moral
2. The technique of the interview is not that
of a strict cross-examination but of a natu-
ral, though directed and purposive conver-
sation which is intended to reveal the men-
tal qualities of the candidate.
3. The interview test is not intended to be a
test either of the specialised or general
knowledge of the candidates which has
been already tested through their written
papers. Candidates are expected to have
taken an intelligent interest not only in their
special subjects of academic study but also
in the events which are happening around
them both within and outside their own
state or country as well as in modern cur-
rents of thought and in new discoveries
which should rouse the curiosity of well
educated youth.
The Examination shall comprise two com-
pulsory papers of 200 marks each.
Paper I - (200 marks) Duration : Two
T Current events of national and inter-
national importance.
T History of India and Indian National
T Indian and World Geography - Physi-
cal, Social, Economic Geography of
India and the World.
T Indian Polity and Governance - Con-
stitution, Political System, Panchayati
Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
T Economic and Social Development -
Sustainable Development, Poverty, In-
clusion, Demographics, Social Sector
initiatives, etc.
T General issues on Environmental
Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate
Change - that do not require subject
T General Science.
Paper II- (200 marks) Duration: Two
T Comprehension
T Interpersonal skills including
communication skills;
T Logical reasoning and analytical
T Decision-making and problem-
T General mental ability
T Basic numeracy (numbers and their
relations, orders of magnitude, etc.)
(Class X level), Data interpretation
(charts, graphs, tables, data
sufficiency etc. - Class X level)
T English Language Comprehension
skills (Class X level).
Note 1 : Questions relating to English
Language Comprehension skills of Class
X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-
II) will be tested through passages from
English language only without providing
Hindi translation thereof in the question
Note 2 : The questions will be of multiple
choice, objective type.
The main Examination is intended to as-
sess the overall intellectual traits and depth
of understanding of candidates rather than
merely the range of their information and
The scope of the syllabus for the optional
subject papers for the examination is
broadly of the honours degree level i.e. a
level higher than the bachelors degree and
lower than the masters degree. In the case
of Engineering and law, the level corre-
sponds to the bachelor's degree.
The aim of the paper is to test the
candidate's ability to read and understand
serious discursive prose, and to express
his ideas clearly and correctly in English/
Indian language concerned.
The pattern of questions would be broadly
as follows :-
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary
(iv) Short Essay
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essay
(v) Translation from English to the Indian
language and vice-versa.
Note 1 : The Papers on Indian Languages
and English will be of Matriculation or
equivalent standard and will be of qualify-
ing nature only. The marks obtained in
these papers will not be counted for rank-
Note 2 : The candidates will have to an-
swer the English and Indian Languages
papers in English and the respective In-
dian language (except where translation
is involved).
Candidates will be required to write an
essay on a specific topic. The choice of
subjects will be given. They will be ex-
pected to keep closely to the subject of the
essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fash-
ion, and to write concisely. Credit will be
given for effective and exact expression.
General Guidelines:
The nature and standard of questions in
the General Studies papers will be such
that a well-educated person will be able to
answer them without any specialized
study. The questions will be such as to test
a candidate’s general awareness of a va-
riety of subjects, which will have relevance
for a career in Civil Services. The ques-
tions are likely to test the candidate’s basic
understanding of all relevant issues, and
ability to analyze, and take a view on con-
flicting socio-economic goals, objectives
and demands. The candidates must give
relevant, meaningful and succinct answers.
1. History of Modern India and Indian
Culture :
The History of Modern India will cover his-
tory of the Country from about the middle
of nineteenth century and would also in-
clude questions on important personalities
who shaped the freedom movement and
social reforms. The part relating to Indian
culture will cover all aspects of Indian cul-
ture from the ancient to modern times as
well as principal features of literature, arts
and architecture.
2. Geography of India :
In this part, questions will be on the physical,
economic and social geography of India.
3. Constitution of India and Indian Polity:
This part will include questions on the Con-
stitution of India as well as all constitutional,
legal, administrative and other issues
emerging from the politico-administrative
system prevalent in the country.
4. Current National Issues and Topics of
Social Relevance :
This part is intended to test the candidate’s
awareness of current national issues and
topics of social relevance in present-day
India, such as the following:
(i) The Indian economy and issues relat-
ing to planning, mobilization of resources,
growth, development and employment.
(ii) Issues arising from the social and eco-
nomic exclusion of large sections from the
benefits of development.
(iii) Other issues relating to the develop-
ment and management of human resource.
(iv) Health issues including the manage-
ment of Public Health, Health education and
ethical concerns regarding health-care,
medical research and pharmaceuticals.
(v) Law enforcement, internal security and
related issues such as the preservation of
communal harmony.
(vi) Issues relating to good governance and
accountability to the citizens including the
maintenance of human rights, and of pro-
bity in public life.
(vii) Environmental issues, ecological pres-
ervation, conservation of natural resources
and national heritage.
1. India and the World :
This part will include questions to test
candidate’s awareness of India’s relation-
ship with the world in various spheres such
as the following:-
Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on
India’s relations with neighbouring coun-
tries and in the region.
Security and defence related matters.
Nuclear policy, issues, and conflicts.
The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to
India and the world.
2. India’s Economic Interaction with the
World :
In this part, questions will be on economic
and trade issues such as foreign trade,
foreign investment; economic and diplo-
macy issues relating to oil, gas and energy
flows; the role and functions of I.M.F., World
Bank, W.T.O., WIPO etc. which influence
India’s economic interaction with other
countries and international institutions.
3. Developments in the Field of Science
& Technology, IT and space :
In this part, questions will test the
candidate’s awareness of the develop-
ments in the field of science and technol-
ogy, information technology, space and
basic ideas about computers, robotics,
nanotechnology, biotechnology and re-
lated issues regarding intellectual property
4. International Affairs and Institutions :
This part will include questions on impor-
tant events in world affairs and on interna-
tional institutions.
5. Statistical analysis, graphs and dia-
grams :
This part will test the candidate’s ability to
draw conclusions from information pre-
sented in statistical, graphical or
diagrammatical form and to interpret them.
Ecology and its relevance to man, natural
resources, their sustainable management
and conservation. Physical and social en-
vironment as factors of crop distribution
and production. Agro ecology; cropping
pattern as indicators of environments. En-
vironmental pollution and associated haz-
ards to crops, animals and humans. Cli-
mate change – International conventions
and global initiatives. Green house effect
and global warming. Advance tools for eco-
system analysis – Remote sensing (RS)
and Geographic Information Systems
Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic
zones of the country. Impact of high-yield-
ing and short-duration varieties on shifts in
cropping patterns. Concepts of various
cropping and farming systems. Organic
and Precision farming. Package of prac-
tices for production of important cereals,
pulses, oil seeds, fibres, sugar, commer-
cial and fodder crops.
Important features and scope of various
types of forestry plantations such as social
forestry, agro-forestry, and natural forests.
Propagation of forest plants. Forest prod-
ucts. Agro forestry and value addition. Con-
servation of forest flora and fauna.
Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination
and association with various crops; their
multiplications; cultural, biological, and
chemical control of weeds.
Soil- physical, chemical and biological
properties. Processes and factors of soil
formation. Soils of India. Mineral and or-
ganic constituents of soils and their role in
Since these Application Forms are to be
processed in a computerised system,
due care should be taken by the candi-
dates to fill up their Application Form cor-
rectly. Necessary instructions for filling
up the Form may be seen at Appendix II
(B). No relevant columns of the applica-
tion should be left blank. Incomplete or
defective applications shall be sum-
marily rejected. No representation or
correspondence regarding such rejec-
tion shall be entertained under any cir-
Candidates are not required to submit
alongwith their applications any certifi-
cate in support of their claims regarding
Age, Educational Qualifications, Sched-
uled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other
Backward Classes and Physically dis-
abled etc. which will be verified at the
time of the Main examination only. The
candidates applying for the examination
should ensure that they fulfil all the eligi-
bility conditions for admission to the Ex-
amination. Their admission at all the
stages of examination for which they are
admitted by the Commission viz. Prelimi-
nary Examination, Main (Written) Exami-
nation and Interview Test will be purely
provisional, subject to their satisfying the
prescribed eligibility conditions. If on veri-
fication at any time before or after the
Preliminary Examination, Main (written)
Examination and Interview Test, it is
found that they do not fulfil any of the
eligibility conditions, their candidature
for the examination will be cancelled by
the Commission.
If any of their claims is found to be incor-
rect, they may render themselves liable
to disciplinary action by the Commission
in terms of Rule 14 of the Rules for the
Civil Services Examination, 2011 repro-
duced below :
A candidate who is or has been declared
by the Commission to be guilty of :
(i) Obtaining support for his/her candida-
ture by the following means, namely :–
(a) offering illegal gratification to, or
(b) applying pressure on, or
(c) blackmailing, or threatening to
blackmail any person connected with the
conduct of the examination, or
(ii) impersonating, or
(iii) procuring impersonation by any per-
son, or
(iv) submitting fabricated documents or
documents which have been tampered
with, or
(v) making statements which are incor-
rect or false or suppressing material infor-
mation, or
(vi) resorting to the following means in con-
nection with his/her candidature for the ex-
amination, namely
(a) obtaining copy of question paper
through improper means,
(b) finding out the particulars of the
persons connected with secret
work relating to the examination.
(c) influencing the examiners, or
(vii) using unfair means during the exami-
nation, or
(viii)writing obscene matter or drawing
obscene sketches in the scripts, or
(ix) misbehaving in the examination hall
including tearing of the scripts, provoking
fellow examinees to boycott examination,
creating a disorderly scene and the like, or
(x) harassing or doing bodily harm to the
staff employed by the Commission for the
conduct of their examinations, or
(xi) being in possession of or using mo-
bile phone, pager or any electronic equip-
ment or device or any other equipment
capable of being used as a communica-
tion device during the examination; or
(xii) violating any of the instructions issued
to candidates along with their Admission
Certificates permitting them to take the ex-
amination, or
(xiii)attempting to commit or as the case
may be abetting the Commission of all or
any of the acts specified in the foregoing
may in addition to rendering himself/her-
self liable to criminal prosecution, be liable.
(a) to be disqualified by the Commis-
sion from the examination for
which he/she is a candidate and/
(b) to be debarred either permanently
or for a specified period
(i) by the Commission from any
examination or selection held
by them;
(ii) by the Central Government
from any employment under
them; and
(c) if he/she is already in service un-
der Government to disciplinary ac-
tion under the appropriate Rules.
Provided that no penalty under this Rules
shall be imposed except after
(i) giving the candidate an opportunity of
making such representation, in writing as
he/she may wish to make in that behalf; and
(ii) taking the representation, if any, sub-
mitted by the candidate within the period
allowed to him/her into consideration.
(i) ONLINE :
The Online Applications can be filled
up to 21st March 2011 till 11.59 pm after
which the link will be disabled.
(ii) OFFLINE :
(a) All Offline Applications must reach the
"Controller of Examinations, Union Public
Service Commission, Dholpur House,
Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069" ei-
ther by hand or by Post/Speed Post or by
Courier, on or before the 21st March, 2011.
(b) In respect of applications received only
by post (by post/speed post) from the can-
didates residing in Assam, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kash-
mir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub-
Division of Chamba District of Himachal
Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
or Lakshadweep or abroad, the last date
for receipt of applications is 28th March,
2011 till 5 P.M. only. The benefit of ex-
tended time will be available only in re-
spect of applications received by Post/
Speed Post from the abovementioned ar-
eas/regions. In the case of applications
received by hand or through courier ser-
vice, benefit of extended time will not be
available regardless of the place of resi-
dence of the applicant.
Candidates who are claiming the benefit of
extended time should clearly indicate in col-
umn 13 of the Application Form, the area
code of the particular area or region (e.g.
Assam, Meghalaya, J&K etc.) where they are
residing. In case they fail to do so, the benefit
of extended time will not be allowed to them.
Candidates should clearly note that the
Commission will in no case be responsible
for non-receipt of their application or any
delay in receipt thereof on any account
whatsoever. No application received after
the prescribed last date will be entertained
under any circumstances and all the late
applications will be summarily rejected.
They should therefore, ensure that their
applications reach the Commission's Of-
fice on or before the prescribed last date.
Candidates can also deliver their applica-
tions personally at the Commission's
counter against proper acknowledgement.
The Commission will not be responsible for
the applications delivered to any other func-
tionary of the Commission.
The candidates should note that
applications will be received by hand only
one at a time at the designated
counter(s) and not in bulk, till 5 PM only.
Applications received through Couriers or
Courier Services of any type shall be
treated as having been received "By hand"
at the Commission's Counter.
Immediately on receipt of an application
from a candidate, the Acknowledgement
Card submitted by him/her alongwith the
Application Form will be despatched to him/
her by the Commission’s Office duly
stamped in token of receipt of his/her Ap-
plication. If a candidate does not receive
the Acknowledgement Card within 30 days,
he/she should at once contact the Com-
mission by quoting his/her Application
Form No. and name & year of examina-
tion. Candidates delivering the Application
Form in person at the Commission’s
Counter will be issued Acknowledgement
Card at the Counter itself. The mere fact
that a candidate’s application has been ac-
knowledged by the Commission does not
mean that his/her candidature for the ex-
amination has been accepted by the Com-
mission. Candidates will be informed at the
earliest possible about their admission to
the examination or rejection of their appli-
The Commission will not enter into any cor-
respondence with the candidates about their
candidature except in the following cases:
(i) Every candidate for this examination will
be informed at the earliest possible date of
the result of his/her application. Admission
Certificates, indicating the Roll Nos. will be
issued to the candidates who are admitted
to the examination. The Admission Certifi-
cate will bear the photograph of the candi-
date. If a candidate does not receive his Ad-
mission Certificate or any other communica-
tion regarding his/her candidature for the
examination three weeks before the com-
mencement of the examination, he/she
should at once contact the Commission. On
receipt of such a communication, Admission
Certificate or a duplicate copy thereto will be
issued to the admitted candidate. Informa-
tion in this regard can also be obtained from
the Facilitation Counter located in the
Commission’s Office either in person or over
phone Nos. 011-23381125/011-23385271/
011-23098543. In case no communication
is received in the Commission's Office
from the candidate regarding non-receipt
of his/her Admission Certificate atleast 3
weeks before the examination, he/she
himself/herself will be solely responsible
for non-receipt of his/her Admission Cer-
tificate. It may be noted that the Admission
Certificate will be issued at the address as
photocopied from the Application Form filled
in by the candidate. The candidate should,
therefore, ensure that address given by him/
her in the Application Form is correct and
complete with pin code.
No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to
take the examination unless he/she holds
a certificate of admission for the exami-
nation. On the receipt of Admission Cer-
tificate, check it carefully and bring dis-
crepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of
UPSC immediately.
The candidates should note that their ad-
mission to the examination will be purely
provisional based on the information given
by them in the Application Form. This will
be subject to verification of all the eligibility
conditions by the UPSC.
The mere fact that a certificate of admis-
sion to the Examination has been issued
to a candidate, will not imply that his/her
candidature has been finally cleared by
the Commission or that entries made by
the candidate in his/her application for the
Preliminary examination have been ac-
cepted by the Commission as true and
correct. Candidates may note that the
Commission takes up the verification of
eligibility conditions of a candidate, with
reference to original documents, only af-
ter the candidate has qualified for Civil
Services (Main) Examination. Unless can-
didature is formally confirmed by the Com-
mission, it continues to be provisional.
The decision of the Commission as to the
eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for
admission to the Examination shall be final.
Candidates should note that the name in the
Admission Certificate in some cases, may
be abbreviated due to technical reasons.
(ii) In the event of a candidate receiving
more than one Admission Certificate from
the Commission, he/she should use only
one of these Admission Certificates for ap-
pearing in the examination and return the
other(s) to the Commission's Office.
(iii) A candidate must see that communica-
tions sent to him/her at the address stated
in his/her application are redirected, if nec-
essary. Change in address should be com-
municated to the Commission at the earli-
est opportunity. Although the Commission
make every effort to take account of such
changes, they cannot accept any respon-
sibility in the matter.
(iv) Candidates are informed that as the
Preliminary Examination is only a screening
test, no marks sheets will be supplied to suc-
cessful or unsuccessful to be Confirmed can-
didates and no correspondence will be en-
tertained by the Commission, in this regard.
(v) If a candidate receives an Admission
Certificate in respect of some other candi-
date on account of handling error, the same
should be immediately returned to the
Commission with a request to issue the
correct Admission Certificate. Candidates
may note that they will not be allowed to
take the examination on the strength of an
Admission Certificate issued in respect of
another candidate.
9. The eligibility for availing reservation
against the vacancies reserved for the
physically disabled persons shall be the
same as prescribed in "The Persons with
Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection
of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995."
Provided further that the physically dis-
abled candidates shall also be required to
meet special eligibility criteria in terms of
physical requirements/functional classifi-
cation (abilities/disabilities) consistent with
requirements of the identified Service/Post
as may be prescribed by its Cadre Con-
trolling Authority.
The physical requirement and functional
classification can for example be one or
more of the following :
Code Physical Requirements
MF 1. Work performed by Manipula-
tion by Fingers
PP 2. Work Performed by Pulling &
Employment News 19 - 25 February 2011
3. Work Performed by Lifting
4. Work Performed by Kneeling
and Crouching
5. Work Performed by Bending
6. Work Performed by Sitting (on
bench or chair)
7. Work Performed by Standing
8. Work Performed by Walking
9. Work Performed by Seeing
10. Work Performed by Hearing/
11. Work Performed by Reading
and Writing
12. Communication
amination by the candidates who are de-
clared qualified for admission to the Main
Examination will not be counted for deter-
mining their final order of merit. The num-
ber of candidates to be admitted to the Main
Examination will be about twelve to thirteen
times the total approximate number of va-
cancies to be filled in the year in the various
Services and Posts. Only those candidates
who are declared by the Commission to
have qualified in the Preliminary Examina-
tion in the year will be eligible for admission
to the Main Examination of that year pro-
vided they are otherwise eligible for admis-
sion to the Main Examination.
Interview Test will carry 300 marks.
NOTE (i) The papers on Indian Languages
and English will be of Matriculation or
equivalent standard and will be of qualify-
ing nature; the marks obtained in these
papers will not be counted for ranking.
NOTE (ii) Evaluation of the papers, namely,
'Essay, 'General Studies' and Optional Sub-
jects of all candidates would be done si-
multaneously along with evaluation of their
qualifying papers on 'Indian languages' and
English' but the papers on 'Essay', Gen-
eral Studies' and 'Optional Subjects' of only
such candidates will be taken cognizance
of as attain such minimum standard as
Literature of one of the following lan-
guages :
Arabic, Assamese, Bodo, Bengali, Chi-
nese, Dogri, English, French, German,
Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri,
Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri,
Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Pali, Persian,
Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Santali, Sindhi,
Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.
NOTE (i) Candidates will not be allowed to
offer the following combinations of subjects:–
(a) Political Science & International Re-
lations and Public Administration;
(b) Commerce & Accountancy and Man-
3. The Main Examination will consist of a
may be fixed by the Commission at their
1. Both legs affected but not arms
2. Both arms affected
a. Impaired Reach
b. Weakness of Grip.
c. ataxic
written examination and an Interview Test.
The written examination will consist of 9
papers of conventional essay type in the
subjects set out in sub-section (B) of Sec-
tion-II. Also see Note (ii) under para I of
discretion for the qualifying papers on 'In-
dian language' and 'English' and, there-
fore, the marks in 'Essay' 'General studies
and Optional subjects' will not be disclosed
to those candidates who fail to obtain such
(c) Anthropology and Sociology;
(d) Mathematics and Statistics;
(e) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry &
Veterinary Science.
(f) Management and Public Administration;
BLA 3. Both legs and both arms af-
OL 4. One leg affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach
b. weakness of grip
c. ataxic
OA 5. One arm affected (R or L)
a. impaired reach
b. weakness of grip
c. ataxic
OAL 6. One arm and one leg affected
MW 7. Muscular weakness.
B 8. Blind
LV 9. Low vision
H 10. Hearing
Note : The above list is subject to revision.
10. A candidate will be eligible to get the
benefit of community reservation only in
case the particular caste to which the can-
didates belongs is included in the list of
reserved communities issued by the Cen-
tral Government. If a candidate indicates
in his/her application form for Civil Services
(Preliminary) Examination that he/she be-
longs to General category but subse-
quently writes to the Commission to change
Section-II (B).
4. Candidates who obtain such minimum
qualifying marks in the written part of the
Main Examination as may be fixed by the
Commission at their discretion, shall be
summoned by them for an interview/for a
Personality Test vide sub-section ‘C’ of
Section-II. However, the papers on Indian
Languages and English will be of qualify-
ing nature. Also see Note (ii) under para 1
of Section-II (B). The marks obtained in
these papers will not be counted for rank-
ing. The number of candidates to be sum-
moned for interview will be about twice the
number of vacancies to be filled. The inter-
view will carry 300 marks (with no mini-
mum qualifying marks).
Marks thus obtained by the candidates in
the Main Examination (written part as well
as interview) would determine their final
ranking. Candidates will be allotted to the
various Services keeping in view their
ranks in the examination and the prefer-
ences expressed by them for the various
Services and Posts.
Scheme and subjects for the Preliminary
minimum qualifying standard in 'Indian lan-
guage and 'English'.
NOTE (iii) The paper-I on Indian Lan-
guages will not, however, be compulsory
for candidates hailing from the North-East-
ern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland and
also for candidates hailing from the State
of Sikkim.
NOTE (iv) For the Language papers, the
script to be used by the candidates will be
as under :–
Language Script
Assamese Assamese
Bengali Bengali
Bodo Devanagari
Dogri Devanagari
Gujarati Gujarati
Hindi Devanagari
Kannada Kannada
Kashmiri Persian
Konkani Devanagari
Maithili Devanagari
Malayalam Malayalam
Manipuri Bengali
Marathi Devanagari
(g) Of the Engineering subjects, viz., Civil
Engineering, Electrical Engineering
and Mechanical Engineering–not
more than one subject.
(h) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sci-
ence and Medical Science.
(ii) The question papers for the examina-
tion will be of conventional (essay) type.
(iii) Each paper will be of three hours dura-
tion. Blind candidates will, however, be al-
lowed an extra time of thirty minutes at each
(iv) Candidates will have the option to an-
swer all the question papers, except the
language papers viz. Papers I and II above
in any one of the languages included in
the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution or
in English.
(v) Candidates exercising the option to
answer papers III to IX in any one of the
languages included in the Eighth Sched-
ule to the Constitution may, if they so de-
sire, give English version within brackets
of only the description of the technical
terms, if any, in addition to the version in
his/her category to a reserved one, such
request shall not be entertained by the
While the above principle will be fol-
lowed in general, there may be a few cases
where there was a little gap (say 2-3
months) between the issuance of a Gov-
ernment Notifications enlisting a particular
community in the list of any of the reserved
communities and the date of submission
and Main Examinations.
A. Preliminary Examination
The Examination shall comprise two
compulsory papers of 200 marks each.
NOTE (i) Both the question papers will be
of the objective type (multiple choice ques-
(ii) The question papers will be set both in
Hindi and English. However, questions
relating to English Language Comprehen-
Devanagari or Olchiki
Devanagari or Arabic
the language opted by them.
Candidates should, however, note that if they
misuse the above rule, a deduction will be
made on this account from the total marks
otherwise accruing to them and in extreme
cases, their script(s) will not be valued for
being in an unauthorised medium.
(vi) The question papers other than lan-
guage papers will be set both in Hindi and
of the application by the candidate. In such
cases the request of change of comunity
from General to Reserved may be consid-
ered by the Commission on merit.
The competitive examination comprises
two successive stages :
(i) Civil Services (Preliminary) Examina-
tions (Objective Type) for the selection of
candidates for Main Examination; and
(ii) Civil Services (Main) Examination (Writ-
ten and Interview) for the selection of can-
didates for the various services and posts.
2. The Preliminary Examination will consist
of two papers of Objective type (multiple
choice questions) and carry a maximum of
400 marks in the subjects set out in sub-
section (A) of Section-II. This examination
is meant to serve as a screening test only;
the marks obtained in the Preliminary Ex-
sion skills of Class X level will be tested
through passages from English Language
only without providing Hindi translation
thereof in the question paper.
(iii) Details of the syllabi are indicated in
Part A of Section III.
(iv) Each paper will be of two hours dura-
tion. Blind candidates will however, be al-
lowed an extra time of twenty minutes at
each paper.
B. Main Examination
The written examination will consist of
the following papers :
Paper I One of the Indian 300 marks
languages to be
selected by the
candidate from the
Languages included
in the Eighth Schedule
to the Constitution.
Paper II English 300 marks
Paper III Essay 200 marks
Papers IV General Studies 300 marks
and V for each paper
Papers VI Any two 300 marks
VII, VIII subjects to for each
and IX be selected from paper
the list of the
optional subjects set
out in para 2 below.
Each subject will have
two papers.
NOTE : For Santali language, question pa-
per will be printed in Devanagari script;
but candidates will be free to answer ei-
ther in Devanagari script or in Olchiki.
2. List of optional subjects for Main
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science and International
Public Administration
(vii) The details of the syllabi are set out in
Part B of Section-III.
"General Instructions (Preliminary as
well as Main Examination)" :
(i) Candidates must write the papers in
their own hand. In no circumstances, will
they be allowed the help of a scribe to write
the answers for them. However, blind can-
didates will be allowed to write the exami-
nation with the help of a scribe.
(ii) An extra time of twenty minutes per hour
shall be permitted for the candidates with
locomotor disability and cerebral palsy
where dominant (writing) extremity is af-
fected to the extent of slowing the perfor-
mance of function (minimum of 40% im-
pairment) in the Civil Services (Main) Ex-
amination only. However, no scribe shall
be permitted to such candidates.
NOTE 1 : The eligibility conditions of a
scribe, his/her conduct inside the exami-
nation hall and the manner in which and
extent to which he/she can help the blind
candidate in writing the Civil Services Ex-
amination shall be governed by the instruc-
tions issued by the UPSC in this regard.
Violation of all or any of the said instruc-
tions shall entail the cancellation of the
candidature of the blind candidate in addi-
tion to any other action that the UPSC may
take against the scribe.
Employment News 19 - 25 February 2011
NOTE 2 : For purpose of these rules the
candidate shall be deemed to be a blind
candidate if the percentage of visual im-
pairment is 40% or more. The criteria for
determining the percentage of visual im-
pairment shall be as follows :
All with corrections Perce-
_______________ ntage
Better eye Worse eye
Category 0 6/9-6/18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
Category I 6/18-6/36 6/60 to nil 40%
Category II 6/60-4/60 3/60 to nil 75%
or field of
vision 10-200
Category III 3/60-1/60 F.C. at 1 ft 100%
or field of to nil
vision 100
Category IV FC. at 1 ft F.C. at 1 ft 100%
to nil field of to nil field of
vision 1000 vision 1000
One eyed 6/6 F.C. at 1 ft 30%
person to nil
NOTE 3 : For availing of the concession
admissible to a blind candidate, the candi-
date concerned shall produce a certificate
in the prescribed proforma from a Medical
Board constituted by the Central/State Gov-
ernments alongwith his application for the
Main Examination.
NOTE 4 : (i) The concession admissible to
blind candidates shall not be admissible
to those suffering from Myopia.
(ii) The Commission have discretion to fix
qualifying marks in any or all the subjects
of the examination.
(iii) If a candidate’s handwriting is not eas-
ily legible, a deduction will be made on
this account from the total marks otherwise
accruing to him.
(iv) Marks will not be allotted for mere su-
perficial knowledge.
(v) Credit will be given for orderly, effective
and exact expression combined with due
economy of words in all subjects of the
(vi) In the question papers, wherever re-
quired, SI units will be used.
(vii) Candidates should use only interna-
tional form of Indian numerals (i.e.
1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) while answering question
(viii) Candidates will be allowed the use of
Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Cal-
culators at the conventional (Essay) type
examination of UPSC. Programmable type
calculators will however not be allowed
and the use of such calculators shall tanta-
mount to resorting to unfair means by the
candidates. Loaning or interchanging of
calculators in the Examination Hall is not
It is also important to note that candidates
are not permitted to use calculators for an-
swering objective type papers (Test Book-
lets). They should not therefore, bring the
same inside the Examination Hall.
C. Interview test
The candidate will be interviewed by a Board
who will have before them a record of his/her
career. He/she will be asked questions on
matters of general interest. The object of the
interview is to assess the personal suitability
of the candidate for a career in public service
by a Board of competent and unbiased ob-
servers. The test is intended to judge the
mental calibre of a candidate. In broad terms
this is really an assessment of not only his
intellectual qualities but also social traits and
his interest in current affairs. Some of the
qualities to be judged are mental alertness,
critical powers of assimilation, clear and logi-
cal exposition, balance of judgement, vari-
ety and depth of interest, ability for social co-
hesion and leadership, intellectual and moral
2. The technique of the interview is not that
of a strict cross-examination but of a natu-
ral, though directed and purposive conver-
sation which is intended to reveal the men-
tal qualities of the candidate.
3. The interview test is not intended to be a
test either of the specialised or general
knowledge of the candidates which has
been already tested through their written
papers. Candidates are expected to have
taken an intelligent interest not only in their
special subjects of academic study but also
in the events which are happening around
them both within and outside their own
state or country as well as in modern cur-
rents of thought and in new discoveries
which should rouse the curiosity of well
educated youth.
The Examination shall comprise two com-
pulsory papers of 200 marks each.
Paper I - (200 marks) Duration : Two
T Current events of national and inter-
national importance.
T History of India and Indian National
T Indian and World Geography - Physi-
cal, Social, Economic Geography of
India and the World.
T Indian Polity and Governance - Con-
stitution, Political System, Panchayati
Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
T Economic and Social Development -
Sustainable Development, Poverty, In-
clusion, Demographics, Social Sector
initiatives, etc.
T General issues on Environmental
Ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate
Change - that do not require subject
T General Science.
Paper II- (200 marks) Duration: Two
T Comprehension
T Interpersonal skills including
communication skills;
T Logical reasoning and analytical
T Decision-making and problem-
T General mental ability
T Basic numeracy (numbers and their
relations, orders of magnitude, etc.)
(Class X level), Data interpretation
(charts, graphs, tables, data
sufficiency etc. - Class X level)
T English Language Comprehension
skills (Class X level).
Note 1 : Questions relating to English
Language Comprehension skills of Class
X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-
II) will be tested through passages from
English language only without providing
Hindi translation thereof in the question
Note 2 : The questions will be of multiple
choice, objective type.
The main Examination is intended to as-
sess the overall intellectual traits and depth
of understanding of candidates rather than
merely the range of their information and
The scope of the syllabus for the optional
subject papers for the examination is
broadly of the honours degree level i.e. a
level higher than the bachelors degree and
lower than the masters degree. In the case
of Engineering and law, the level corre-
sponds to the bachelor's degree.
The aim of the paper is to test the
candidate's ability to read and understand
serious discursive prose, and to express
his ideas clearly and correctly in English/
Indian language concerned.
The pattern of questions would be broadly
as follows :-
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary
(iv) Short Essay
(i) Comprehension of given passages.
(ii) Precis Writing
(iii) Usage and Vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essay
(v) Translation from English to the Indian
language and vice-versa.
Note 1 : The Papers on Indian Languages
and English will be of Matriculation or
equivalent standard and will be of qualify-
ing nature only. The marks obtained in
these papers will not be counted for rank-
Note 2 : The candidates will have to an-
swer the English and Indian Languages
papers in English and the respective In-
dian language (except where translation
is involved).
Candidates will be required to write an
essay on a specific topic. The choice of
subjects will be given. They will be ex-
pected to keep closely to the subject of the
essay to arrange their ideas in orderly fash-
ion, and to write concisely. Credit will be
given for effective and exact expression.
General Guidelines:
The nature and standard of questions in
the General Studies papers will be such
that a well-educated person will be able to
answer them without any specialized
study. The questions will be such as to test
a candidate’s general awareness of a va-
riety of subjects, which will have relevance
for a career in Civil Services. The ques-
tions are likely to test the candidate’s basic
understanding of all relevant issues, and
ability to analyze, and take a view on con-
flicting socio-economic goals, objectives
and demands. The candidates must give
relevant, meaningful and succinct answers.
1. History of Modern India and Indian
Culture :
The History of Modern India will cover his-
tory of the Country from about the middle
of nineteenth century and would also in-
clude questions on important personalities
who shaped the freedom movement and
social reforms. The part relating to Indian
culture will cover all aspects of Indian cul-
ture from the ancient to modern times as
well as principal features of literature, arts
and architecture.
2. Geography of India :
In this part, questions will be on the physical,
economic and social geography of India.
3. Constitution of India and Indian Polity:
This part will include questions on the Con-
stitution of India as well as all constitutional,
legal, administrative and other issues
emerging from the politico-administrative
system prevalent in the country.
4. Current National Issues and Topics of
Social Relevance :
This part is intended to test the candidate’s
awareness of current national issues and
topics of social relevance in present-day
India, such as the following:
(i) The Indian economy and issues relat-
ing to planning, mobilization of resources,
growth, development and employment.
(ii) Issues arising from the social and eco-
nomic exclusion of large sections from the
benefits of development.
(iii) Other issues relating to the develop-
ment and management of human resource.
(iv) Health issues including the manage-
ment of Public Health, Health education and
ethical concerns regarding health-care,
medical research and pharmaceuticals.
(v) Law enforcement, internal security and
related issues such as the preservation of
communal harmony.
(vi) Issues relating to good governance and
accountability to the citizens including the
maintenance of human rights, and of pro-
bity in public life.
(vii) Environmental issues, ecological pres-
ervation, conservation of natural resources
and national heritage.
1. India and the World :
This part will include questions to test
candidate’s awareness of India’s relation-
ship with the world in various spheres such
as the following:-
Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on
India’s relations with neighbouring coun-
tries and in the region.
Security and defence related matters.
Nuclear policy, issues, and conflicts.
The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to
India and the world.
2. India’s Economic Interaction with the
World :
In this part, questions will be on economic
and trade issues such as foreign trade,
foreign investment; economic and diplo-
macy issues relating to oil, gas and energy
flows; the role and functions of I.M.F., World
Bank, W.T.O., WIPO etc. which influence
India’s economic interaction with other
countries and international institutions.
3. Developments in the Field of Science
& Technology, IT and space :
In this part, questions will test the
candidate’s awareness of the develop-
ments in the field of science and technol-
ogy, information technology, space and
basic ideas about computers, robotics,
nanotechnology, biotechnology and re-
lated issues regarding intellectual property
4. International Affairs and Institutions :
This part will include questions on impor-
tant events in world affairs and on interna-
tional institutions.
5. Statistical analysis, graphs and dia-
grams :
This part will test the candidate’s ability to
draw conclusions from information pre-
sented in statistical, graphical or
diagrammatical form and to interpret them.
Ecology and its relevance to man, natural
resources, their sustainable management
and conservation. Physical and social en-
vironment as factors of crop distribution
and production. Agro ecology; cropping
pattern as indicators of environments. En-
vironmental pollution and associated haz-
ards to crops, animals and humans. Cli-
mate change – International conventions
and global initiatives. Green house effect
and global warming. Advance tools for eco-
system analysis – Remote sensing (RS)
and Geographic Information Systems
Cropping patterns in different agro-climatic
zones of the country. Impact of high-yield-
ing and short-duration varieties on shifts in
cropping patterns. Concepts of various
cropping and farming systems. Organic
and Precision farming. Package of prac-
tices for production of important cereals,
pulses, oil seeds, fibres, sugar, commer-
cial and fodder crops.
Important features and scope of various
types of forestry plantations such as social
forestry, agro-forestry, and natural forests.
Propagation of forest plants. Forest prod-
ucts. Agro forestry and value addition. Con-
servation of forest flora and fauna.
Weeds, their characteristics, dissemination
and association with various crops; their
multiplications; cultural, biological, and
chemical control of weeds.
Soil- physical, chemical and biological
properties. Processes and factors of soil
formation. Soils of India. Mineral and or-
ganic constituents of soils and their role in
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